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The Satori dashboard aggregates all the information on data access from your connected data stores to help you identify who accesses sensitive data.


The dashboard shows who is generating the most usage and which teams are using each of the datasets. The dashboard provides you with a centralized view point in a single pane of glass.

Single Source of Truth

The Satori dashboard provides you with an overview for all your organizations data usage and compliance with the data access policies that you have defined. You can easily breakdown data access by identity, dataset and data types.


Satori has created a set of out-of-the-box KPIs that simply and clearly dived your data into various viewpoints and perspectives.

Activity Graph

The activity graph provides you with two key performance indicators. The green KPI shows the active users and the second KPI shows the number of queries made on the data over time.

Graph Legend - Click on the Active Users or Queries legend buttons to view each KPI separately.


Queries by User/Group/Role Table

The queries by user/group/role table provides you with the collected tag information divided according to role, data store, tag categories, number of queries and volume.

You can easily drill down to each one of the KPI parameters by clicking on the hyperlinks within the table content.


Satori provides you with a simple breadcrumbs filter. To view previously filtered KPI that you have filtered by clicking tag hyperlinks on the table view, you can retrace your steps via the breadcrumbs and examine previously filtered data views.
